
A collection of 22 posts

Best Practices for Terraform AWS Tags: Part 2

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Machine Learning: Explain it Like I’m Five [ Podcast]

Machine Learning: Explain it Like I’m Five [ Podcast]

If you've heard a lot about AI and machine learning, but don't understand it, this month's episode is for you.

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Why You Should Use React Native For Your Next Mobile App

Why You Should Use React Native For Your Next Mobile App

Many seem to think that the only proper way to create a phone app is by engineering it natively. In this post, I break down why React Native is a great way to build an app.

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Deployments at Scale with AWS ECR and ECS

Deployments at Scale with AWS ECR and ECS

With DevOps at DEPT, one of our primary goals is to make the life of the developer easier. A specialty of ours is assisting in our customer's deployment process.

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Create a Rust web service, from zero to cloud

Create a Rust web service, from zero to cloud

This tutorial will describe how to... install Rust, create a new project and manage dependencies, Set up a simple web server, and compile the app and deploy to a virtual server. I'll be working on Ubuntu 20.04 but most of the setup should be the same on macOS or a different flavor of Linux.

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GitOps with Terraform, Terragrunt and GitHub Workflows

GitOps with Terraform, Terragrunt and GitHub Workflows

In this post, we'll define GitOps, review a sample Terraform app module repo and an associated GitHub Workflow to lint and version the module repo, and review a sample Terragrunt live repo and a GitHub Workflow to apply infrastructure changes.

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Securely Storing Data on iOS

Securely Storing Data on iOS

Our mobile devices and the apps that run on them have a unique insight into our lives. We use them for communication, entertainment, shopping, photography, navigation, and myriad other purposes. Consequently, apps have access to a great deal of information about our preferences, our contacts, where we go, what we buy, and who we are. As app developers, we need to be cognizant of the information being handled by our apps and to safeguard it accordingly. The protection of sensitive information is

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SQL 101 for Product Managers

SQL 101 for Product Managers

The following presentation was transcribed from “SQL and Python for Product Managers” webinar, presented by Colorado Product Meetup and senior software engineer, Brian Schiller. It has been edited for clarity.

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FreeRTOS Tutorial: Create a Hello World Application with ESP32

FreeRTOS Tutorial: Create a Hello World Application with ESP32

To help others as they make their way through this process, we decided to document and release our findings as a FreeRTOS tutorial for developers. Here is how to create a Hello World application.

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C++ v. Rust -Speed, Safety, & Community Comparison

C++ v. Rust -Speed, Safety, & Community Comparison

In this post, we’ll be comparing C++ with Rust, sharing our thoughts on when you should use each language, and predicting the future of C++ vs Rust.

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